UN Report Seeks Interference in Internal Affairs: Nicaragua

March 4, 2024 Hour: 2:07 pm

On Monday, the United Nations Human Rights Council (OHCHR) held an “Interactive Dialogue on the High Commissioner’s Periodic Update on Nicaragua.”


Nicaraguan President Ortega Paid Tribute to General Sandino

This event revolved around the non-binding report presented on February 29 by the Group of Experts on Human Rights for Nicaragua (GHREN), which concludes that senior officials should be subjected to investigations for their alleged responsibility in rights human rights violations.

Acting in representation of her country, Nicaraguan Attorney General Wendy Morales responded to the GHREN report with the following statement:

“Nicaragua has already stated its position  regarding the various updates on our country that have been presented to this forum. In our statements, we have affirmed that we do not accept the manipulation of these forums to show off reports that are supposedly prepared with objectivity or reasonableness, justifying these, with an evident zero concern for our State; when in reality, they seek to continue manipulating these, with the sole purpose of intervening in the internal affairs of our country.

These ‘oral update’ mechanisms violate the ‘Non-Intervention’ Principle, which according to the norms of international law, are non-negotiable and not even debatable; because the sovereign decisions of a nation, whose authority falls in this case on the Nicaraguan people; are absolute, inalienable, and imprescriptible.

We reiterate that any interference in the policies and decisions of Nicaragua represents a malicious action from those who take as inputs for these oral updates, certain minority groups, which are financed, precisely to distort the progress that the sovereign people of Nicaragua has obtained with our government.

May this intervention serve to denounce again, as we have already done, the lack of integrity and morality of these mechanisms; that rather they should promote the practice of respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence between nations, guaranteeing the sovereign right of peoples, so that with dignity and independence, they can continue to build their own destiny, in the search for social peace, as well as economic, cultural and social development, which guarantees the common good and the real human rights that Nicaraguan families deserve.”

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: FM - El 19

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